DIY: Pipe cleaner broom
Spring cleaning for Passover - with a DIY mini broom - has never been cuter or happier!
It’s officially the Hebrew month of Nisan - the beginning of spring! It’s the perfect time to go outside and take a deep cleansing breath - breathe in the fresh scent of new grass and flowers, and all the possibilities of a new season!
The Jewish holiday Passover comes just as spring begins, and a clean-up is one traditional way to get ready for the holiday! Spring cleaning is actually an ancient Jewish custom! We clean to remove chametz (leavened bread) - each and every crumb!
So today, we’re getting ready to clean all the nook and crannies of our homes! It’s important to clean with positivity and a happy heart, which is the Jewish value lev tov (happy or good heart).
Photo credit: Will O
You’re never too young to participate in spring cleaning! To make our hearts extra happy, we wanted to share the experience with littles by making mini brooms, and a mini broom door hanger! You’re invited to join us in our spring cleaning, and make one too!
Our spring cleaning for Passover “to-do” list is written in Hebrew! Click here to see what we’re cleaning!
DIY Mini Pipe Cleaner Broom
For each mini broom, you will need:
1 pipe cleaner, plus a 3” pipe cleaner piece
10 - 4” pieces of yarn
Pony beads (optional)
For the mini broom door hanger, you will need:
1 small stick
Extra pipe cleaners
Colorful yarn
Here’s how to make a mini broom:
1. Start by folding your pipe cleaner in half.
2. Bundle 10 - 4 inch pieces of yarn together, and place them inside the fold of the pipe cleaner.
3. Starting just above the yarn bundle, twist the two long ends of the pipe cleaner together.
3. Pull the two yarn bundles down and wrap them together with the 3 inch piece of pipe cleaner.
4. Make the broom colorful and fun by adding pony beads to the broomstick.
5. And there you have it - a mini broom - ready to spring clean and sweep the tiniest corners of your home and of your heart.
6. If you’d like, you can extend this activity by making a mini broom door hanger. You can start by making one or two extra mini brooms. Then wrap yarn around a small stick. Make a “hanger” by tying one longer strand of yarn to each end of the stick.
7. Draw a picture to resemble spring or a happy heart. We drew a flower and punched a hole on the top and bottom of the drawing, then threaded it with a piece of pipe cleaner.
8. Secure your mini brooms and drawing to the stick by folding the top of the pipe cleaners around the stick.
Your door hanger is now ready…for a door! It’s so cute and fun!
Do you have plans to clean for Passover? We hope if you do, your heart is extra happy, and if you or your older kids would like to make a real broom for spring cleaning, we share a step-by-step tutorial to make a handheld besom as shown below.
Click here to learn how to make a handheld besom (broom) for spring cleaning!
How are you getting ready for Passover? Share with us in the comments below. Be sure to visit our Passover Round-up for more wonderful ways to celebrate spring and Passover, including a DIY Baby Moses mini diorama, bake your own matzah, make a Baby Moses sock doll, a keepsake felt matzah necklace, froggy crown and more!
Happy spring cleaning and Happy Passover!
Chag Sameach!