DIY: Witches and Broomstick Party
A crafty “arty party” for October featuring clothespin witches and pipe cleaner brooms
One of my favorite things is to have a party! Get togethers have been few and far between with Covid, so when we do get together, it feels extra special. I loved when my friend Natalie asked me to help put together a special “arty party” for her daughter’s 8th birthday.
Our party girl’s birthday is in October, and she was imagining witches and broomsticks! After brainstorming with mom and daughter, I put together two adorable crafts - clothespin witches and pipe cleaner broomsticks that can be made into a door hanger.
We set up two craft stations and included a lot of fun process art materials for creating, including:
Wood clothespins and peg dolls
Fabric scraps
Chenille stems
Fabric flowers
Pom poms
Washi tape
Here’s a peek at our witch’s station:
More instructions on how to dress up your own peg and clothespin dolls here!
Turning 8 is pretty special!
And our broomstick station…
To see step-by-step photos to make your own pipecleaner broomstick, click here!
There's always something that stays with me long after a party is over, and at this one, it was the love and sweetness between the birthday girl and her little sister. I am a little sister too, and I could totally see myself in her, the way she gazed up with absolute love in her eyes at her big sister - and then the birthday girl's kindness in letting her little sister share in her day. Cleaving to your friends (or your sister) - knowing that she is always there for you - is the Jewish value Dibuk Chaverim, and even though Halloween isn’t a Jewish holiday, there are always Jewish connections that can be made in whatever we are doing.
Other things that made this day special: I loved how the birthday girl helped choose her party theme and our two crafts. How both sisters helped me carry in boxes of supplies and how they joined me in setting up and and putting out all the fun crafty materials. It was really special, and a day that I will remember for a very long time.
If you would like more information and step-by-step photos for both crafts, visit our clothespin doll post and our pipe cleaner broomstick post!
If you live in Central Florida and have a little creative who would love an arty party or if you are an adult that would like to host a craft party or workshop, please send me an email! ❤️
For more spooky fun to celebrate October, visit our adorable pumpkin challah rolls and “challaween” ghosts and broomsticks.
Special thanks to my friend Natalie - who asked me to help her celebrate a very special day with her sweet daughters! I loved every minute of it! ♥
For more fall fun, learn how to make your own treats, challah ghosts, pumpkins and broomsticks, especially for “challahween!”