DIY: Apple and Honey O's cereal necklace
Little ones get in on the crafting fun for Rosh Hashanah
We’re always looking for fun and creative ways to use materials already in the house to make something new. You never know when inspiration will strike. Like take the other day, while munching on some honey cereal circles on red paper plate. We decided to try upcycling the plate and cereal into an apple and honey cereal necklace for Rosh Hashanah, and the result was adorable!
With just a few supplies, a cute little necklace is born! You only need a few things to make your own!
Apple and Honey O’s Cereal Necklace
You will need:
Red paper plate (you can use a yellow or green paper plate too!)
Green construction paper
Piece of twine
Black crayon or marker
Hole punch
Handful of cereal o’s (edible beads!)
Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao
Here’s how to make your own:
Cut an apple shape from the paper plate and cut a leaf from the green construction paper. Children are great at helping to cut shapes!
Your child can next glue the piece of twine to the top of the apple and glue the little leaf too!
The apple needs a happy face! Have your child draw eyes and a smile with a crayon or marker (on our paper plate, a Sharpie marker worked best)!
An adult can then punch a couple of holes on the side of the apple.
Let your little one string the yarn through the holes of the apple. An adult can roll a small piece of tape on the ends of the yarn. This will make it sturdier for stringing cereal.
Grab a handful of cereal o’s, and let your little one string their “beads” onto the necklace. We especially love cereal o’s that are honey flavored. With stringing and snacking, don’t be surprised if it takes a while to complete the necklace!
When it’s done, have a grown-up help tie it on!
All ready to wear!
Share with us some new ways you are using apples and honey to celebrate Rosh Hashanah with your family in the comments below!
Bigger kids can make an apple & honeybee pom pom necklace, and we have more ways to welcome the Jewish New Year with apples and honey with a special picnic breakfast, a visit to a honeybee farm, a honey tasting and making a DIY honeybee crown!
Let us know how you’re celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the comments below!
Shana tova! Happy New Year!
Shana tova!
Sharing special Jewish picture books with someone you love is another way to celebrate Rosh Hashanah - like this adorable “lift-the-flap” PJ Library book, Apples and Honey by Joan Holub! For families raising Jewish children, Apples and Honey, and other Jewish children’s books, can be mailed to your children each month for free by PJ Library! Click the link to learn more!
“We dip apples and honey for a treat. We hope our new year will be sweet.” - Author, Joan Holub