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Our Happy Tribe!

This blog is filled with ideas to turn everyday moments into Jewish moments, especially for families with young children.

DIY: Earth cake

DIY: Earth cake

There’s no place like home - celebrating our earth with a delicious treat!


Earth day is a reminder that there is no place like home! In Hebrew, earth is pronounced erets. We’re celebrating our incredible erets, from the highest mountain peak to the deepest ocean - and all the plants, animals and people in between - by making a yummy earth cake.


You only need your imagination and a few ingredients to make your own earth cake!

IDIY earth cake for earth day

Earth Cake

  • Rice cake

  • Blueberries

  • Sliced green grapes

  • Cream cheese or white frosting

  • A popsicle stick or plastic knife

  • Rainbow candy or sour patch people (optional)

make a earth cake to take care of our earth

Here’s how to make it!

Step 1: Start by spreading clouds (cream cheese or vanilla frosting), on your earth (rice cake).

Step 2: Top your earth with land (green grapes) and water (blueberries).


Step 3: Add a rainbow (rainbow candy) or people (sour patch kids).

how to make an earth cake

An earth day is extra special when we see a rainbow in the sky. We love that rainbows are bright, optimistic and happy.

Step 4: Take a bite! If you’d like, you can say a blessing before eating your earth cake. In Judaism, there are blessings for so many special moments, for seeing the first blooms on a tree this spring, for seeing natural wonders, like mountains, valleys, oceans and rivers, and for eating an earth cake!

Ba-Ruch A-tah A-do-noi, Elo-hai-nu Me-lech Ha-o-lam, Bo-Rai Mi-nai Me-zo-not.

It’s so yummy!

It’s so yummy!

Earth cakes are fun to make inside a home and extra special to make outside in a backyard or park, surrounded by flowers and trees. What are some things you are doing to celebrate Earth Day? Maybe planting a tree seedling, taking a nature walk or making an earth cake! Let us know in the comments below!

Whether it’s earth day, or any day, there’s no place like home - our beautiful earth!

B’tayavon (Enjoy)! Be well, be safe and be happy.

Earth cakes are extra yummy eaten outside surrounded by plants and trees.

Earth cakes are extra yummy eaten outside surrounded by plants and trees.

how to make an earth cake
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