DIY: Froggy crowns
You’re sure to have a hoppy Passover when wearing a DIY froggy crown
Frogs remind me of my baby brother, Jordan. When we were young and sat to color, Jordan would draw frogs…only frogs! His froggy had the sweetest face.
He once gave my mom a small painted plaque of a happy frog standing with wide-open arms. The words “I love you this much” were painted above the frog. My mom hung it in a place of honor on our kitchen wall, and I faced it everyday when we sat together at the dining table.
Frogs have a special connection to Passover too, and maybe because of my childhood memories, I’ve always included them in a special way for our own Passover celebrations.
Photo Credit: Amy Humphries
The Hebrew word for frog is Tzefardea. In the Passover story, hundreds, probably thousands of frogs, rained down from the sky upon all of Egypt for the second plague after Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from slavery.
To celebrate Passover - and frogs - we made froggy crowns. For this craft, an adult can get the crown ready for littles to decorate! So let’s go make a froggy crown!
DIY Froggy Crowns
Here’s what you’ll need for each crown:
Green poster board (22” x 28”)
Black and pink Sharpie markers
Circle cutter or scissors
Washi tape
Here’s how to make it!
1. Cut a 2.5 inch band on the short side of the poster board.
2. Cut 2 circles from the poster board with a circle cutter or scissors. Our circles were about 2 inches in diameter.
3. Glue the circles in the center of the band with about an inch of space between them. I like to use hot glue because it dries immediately, but you can use regular craft glue too.
4. Now it’s time to add eyes and a smile with your markers. This is a good step for kids!
5. Next add some spring-themed stickers and washi tape (if you have some).
Decorating is the best part!
6. Fit the crown around your little’s head and staple it closed.
And that’s it - an adorable froggy crown. The perfect way to hop into your Passover celebrations!
Froggy crowns make us very hoppy! - There’s a very famous Passover song “The Frog Song” written in the 1950’s by Shirley Cohen (my mother-in-law is Shirley Cohen too - this is the other Shirley Cohen)! It would be so fun to sing and act out the song wearing the crown! The words are:
One Morning when Pharaoh awoke in his bed
There were frogs on his bed and frogs on his head
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere
And the frogs said ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, ribbet
The entire life of the frog is a symbol of transition. In each of its five stages of life, the frog grows, changes and adapts - just like the Israelites must have done on their journey from slaves in Egypt to freedom. So when you wear a froggy crown, it can be a reminder that with each new stage of life, we can experience something better than what we ‘ve left behind.
Passover comes during spring - a season celebrated as a time of optimism and hope. We would love to know how you celebrate the season. Share with us in the comments below. Be sure to visit our Passover Round-up for more wonderful ways to celebrate spring and Passover too, including a DIY Baby Moses mini diorama, bake your own matzah and make a Baby Moses sock doll, a keepsake felt matzah necklace and more!
Hoppy Passover!
So many ways to celebrate Passover!
Make a matzah necklace and “mud pie” to grow parsley for your Passover seder!
Make an afikomen bag for your Passover seder!
Make tissue paper rain art to celebrate early spring rain showers!