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This blog is filled with ideas to turn everyday moments into Jewish moments, especially for families with young children.

DIY: Summer malabi

DIY: Summer malabi

Israeli milk pudding topped with sunny peaches, peanuts and honey


My first introduction to malabi was at a beautiful wedding. My friend Dikla brought it for the dessert table, and it was ‘love-at-first-spoonful’. Malabi is a creamy milk pudding delicately perfumed with rosewater and traditionally topped with raspberry syrup, pistachios and shredded coconut. It’s a popular dessert and street food in Israel, and Dikla served them individually in pretty glass jars. Delicately sweet and floral, and so pretty to look at, it was unlike anything I had ever had before. Since Aleah and Sam’s wedding, I’ve been lucky enough to have malabi several times - each time made by my beautiful and creative friend.

Dikla made malabi for Sam & Aleah’s wedding.  Photo credit: E.M. Anderson

Dikla made malabi for Sam & Aleah’s wedding. Photo credit: E.M. Anderson

Last week, as I was planning ideas for summer posts, I called Dikla inspired. I had picked up some delicious peaches from the farmer’s market, and I was imagining a summer version of her malabi - the creamy milk pudding, topped with peaches, peanuts and golden honey, a fusion of the Israeli milk pudding and the American dessert peaches and cream.


I imagined a dessert that looked like sunshine.


Even though Dikla was busy getting her family ready to leave for Israel in a few days, she came right over with rosewater, measuring cups and a warm hug. She carefully converted the dry and liquid measurements from liters and grams to ounces and cups, and then taught me how to make malabi. With just 5 ingredients, it was so wonderfully simple, and the rosewater made my kitchen smell like a flower shop. You’re invited to join us in making summer malabi too! Dikla’s recipe from the cookbook, The Kitchen’s Helper by Carine Goren, and my seasonal adaptations are detailed below.

Summer Malabi with Peaches, Peanuts and Honey


Here’s what you’ll need to make about 10 - 4 ounce servings:



  • 4 cups + 1/3 cup milk (set aside 1 cup of milk)

  • 1 cup of heavy whipping cream

  • 4-6 TBS cornstarch

  • 3 TBS rose water

  • 1/2 cup white sugar


  • 2 sunripe peaches

  • A handful of peanuts

  • Honey


  • 10 - 4 ounce jars

Here’s how to make Malabi:

1. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of milk, rosewater and cornstarch. Stir until the mixture is very smooth. Set aside.


2. Combine the remaining milk, heavy cream and sugar into a saucepan and warm over medium heat until it just begins to steam and form bubbles on the surface.

3. Lower the heat just a touch. Give the cornstarch mixture another stir and pour into the saucepan with the milk and cream. Stir for an additional three minutes until thickened. You’ll know when it’s ready when the mixture thickly coats a spoon.

4. Remove the pudding from the heat, transfer to a spouted bowl or pitcher, and pour into the glass jars, about 3/4 full. The spout will make it easier to pour. You can always use a ladle as well.


5. Let the pudding rest and come to room temperature. Then cover with plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator for several hours, preferably overnight.

When it’s time to get ready to serve…


Dice the peaches…


chop the peanuts…


pour honey on top…


and assemble.


That’s it, all ready to enjoy! One thing I’ve learned about malabi is you can top the milk pudding any way you’d like - the possibilities are really endless. Ours was a burst of sunshine, sweet, creamy and peachy - just lovely for a summer dessert, and as my husband happily discovered, for breakfast too.

This was the best collaboration. I loved making malabi with Dikla. She’s the most generous and kind friend. It was extra delicious because she made it with me.


Do you have any desserts that you love to make during summer? Let me know in the comments below! For a summer get together with friends, check out our Fondue Dessert Bar and Havdalah Candle Workshop. We also have more wonderful DIYs to celebrate the season with littles and grown-ups too, like summer solstice pom-pom wands, colorful sun wheels, a beautiful things box, a summer backyard bouquet, and celebrate some puppy love by making an adorable sock puppy - our full Summer Round-up can be found here!

We hope your summer is filled with happiness and sunshine!


Dikla’s Malabi recipe from her cookbook, The Kitchen Helper by Carine Goren.

Dikla’s Malabi recipe from her cookbook, The Kitchen Helper by Carine Goren.

Dikla serving her malabi to cookbook author Adeena Sussman.

Dikla serving her malabi to cookbook author Adeena Sussman.

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