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Our Happy Tribe!

This blog is filled with ideas to turn everyday moments into Jewish moments, especially for families with young children.

DIY: Apple basket place cards

DIY: Apple basket place cards

Apple basket place cards are holding your seat at our Rosh Hashanah picnic


It’s pretty safe to say that in our home, we really embrace a good apple and honey theme for Rosh Hashanah.

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Over the years, we’ve had many picnic celebrations. They’re just so cheerful. When I see a red and white checked tablecloth, I can’t help but feel a little flutter of happiness.


Recently we found tiny baskets, just the right size for a single apple, and made them into place cards for our Rosh Hashanah picnic table setting.


They were especially adorable topped with a handmade pine cone honey bee.

Place cards add such a special touch to a table setting, and this one was especially simple. If you’d like to include them at your own Rosh Hashanah themed picnic, here’s how we made them.

Apple Basket Place Cards


For each place card, you will need:

Here’s how we made it:

1. Put your apple in the basket!


2. Attach a pine cone honey bee onto the handle (hot glue works best). We share the DIY here.


3. Write a name of your guest on the tag and attach it to the basket with Bakers’ twine. Place cards written by children are very special.

My younger daughter Eliza wrote our place cards. She has the most beautiful handwriting.


And that my friends is it! A beautiful apple basket place card, which also doubles as a a lovely party favor.


Picnics are wonderful for Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot too. A couple of years ago, we had an apple and honey picnic breakfast for 30 families. You can click here to read about all the yummy themed breakfast foods packed into each individual picnic basket.

We had so much fun creating a picnic this year for our Rosh Hashanah celebrations. Click here to see our tablescape and some very adorable apple and honey themed foods. Do you have any special table setting traditions for Rosh Hashanah? Share with us in the comments below.

For more fun DIYs, recipes and special outings for the holiday, visit our Rosh Hashanah Round-up!

“Shana Tova um'tukah” - Have a good and sweet new year!


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Picnics are also a wonderful way to celebrate Sukkot!

DIY: "Painted" rainbow challah

DIY: "Painted" rainbow challah

DIY: Apple picnic tablescape

DIY: Apple picnic tablescape