All tagged Tishrei

DIY: Wildflower imprinted candle holder

A beautiful tradition in Judaism is to light a memorial candle, a yahrzeit candle, on the anniversary of a loved one’s passing. I received a candle for my dad, and spent the afternoon making a special candle holder from clay and imprinted with wildflowers. If you’d like to remember someone you love with a beautiful little memorial candle holder, read on to learn how.

DIY: Sukkot dessert table

We’re sharing our fall harvest with family and friends at a Sukkot dessert. The sukkah is meant to be an open tent, and extending hospitality and sharing something delicious with people you love is what makes this holiday and the fall season so special. Come take a look!

DIY: Tabletop Sukkah

We’re bringing Sukkot and the fall harvest into our home by building a tabletop sukkah, draped in branches of tiny leaves and autumn flowers. It’s wonderful to experience building a sukkah, even if it’s small in size. For this project, you only need a few items - most found in nature. We show you all the steps in photos, so let’s go build a sukkah!

DIY: Graham cracker sukkah

Jewish people have been building sukkahs for a couple of thousand years - really! This year, we’re building our sukkah with graham crackers, pretzel sticks and a harvest of dried fruits and fresh herbs. This is such a wonderful activity, and actually, building a sukkah is considered a mitzvah! So come make one with us!

DIY: Sukkah greeters

During Sukkot, we read in the Torah that we should take the branches of the beautiful trees...celebrate and be happy! We love the idea of using tree branches and repurposing them into a joyful family craft for Sukkot. Come make some Sukkah greeters with us!

DIY: "Painted" rainbow challah

We’re “painting” rainbow challah to celebrate the first Shabbat of the New Jewish Year! We made edible paint from natural food colors, and used challah as our canvas. This is such a fun food craft for all the little artists in your life, or anytime you want to add a little extra color and happiness to your Shabbat! So come “paint” some challah with us!

DIY: Mini apple cream puffs

This is the sweetest “baking experience” for littles. We used store bought cream puffs and transformed them into a mini apple dessert for Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot. With just a few ingredients, they’re so simple to make, but oh so cute and fancy! Most importantly, we share 10 thoughtful ways for a little one to help make them! So let’s get “baking!”

DIY: Tissue paper printed candles

On Rosh Hashanah evening, right as the sun sets, we begin our holiday by lighting candles. This year we made special festival candles by drawing doodles on tissue paper and then melting the paper into the candle wax. This is a fun project for all ages. So let’s go bring some warmth, love and light into our New Year by making Rosh Hashanah candles!

DIY: Honeybee crown

Making honey bee crowns with your family is one way to put imaginative play into your Jewish New Year celebration. Plus, They’re extra fun to wear while eating apples dipped in honey! One sheet of poster board makes 10 crowns, so they’re perfect for a party or picnic celebration. Let’s go make some!

DIY: Edible Sukkah

One traditional way to celebrate Sukkot is to build and decorate a sukkah! To “build” a sukkah on a small scale, you can make DIY edible sukkahs! Make a lot, and you can invite friends over to have an sukkah decorating party!