DIY: Honeybee crown
Honey bee crowns make your Rosh Hashanah celebration extra sweet!
Making honey bee crowns with your littles is one way to put imaginative play into your Rosh Hashanah celebration. The word Rosh in Hebrew means head, and when you make a honey bee crown, you’ll be ready to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, which means the head of the year! Plus, they’re extra fun to wear while eating apples dipped in honey!
Hi little honey bee!
You don’t need a lot of supplies to make one. And the best news - you can make about 10 crowns from one sheet of yellow poster board. So they’re perfect for a party or classroom celebration! I made these for a Rosh Hashanah picnic, and they made everyone very happy. So let’s go make a honey bee crown!
Honey Bee Crown
For Each Crown, you will need:
Yellow poster board
2 googley eyes
2 pipe cleaners
2 pom poms
Black marker
For decorating:
Stickers and crayons
Here’s how to make it with a little:
Cut a 2 1/2 inch strip (on the short side) of a yellow poster board for each crown. Help your little glue on two google eyes in the center and draw a smile underneath. Then take two pipe cleaners and help your child wrap the ends around a fuzzy pom-pom. These will become antennas! Glue the pipe cleaner antennas inside the poster board strip (a hot glue gun works best, grown-ups only). Before stapling the ends together to form a crown, invite your little to decorate with stickers, crayons and markers.
If you’d like to see step-by-step photos of the process, click here to see our froggy crown!
And that’s it, a little honey bee crown to wear on top of your Rosh (head)! Now you’re all set for celebrating!
There’s a cute song called “Little Honey Bee” by Lisa Baydush that you can sing and act out while wearing your honey bee crown (adapted from the tune of “I’m a Little Piece of Tin”)
I’m a little honey-bee,
I hope that you’re not scared of me!
I make honey that tastes so sweet
So you can have a Rosh Hashanah treat!
Chorus: Bzzz Bzzz, dip the apple in the honey (3x)
Hello little Honey-Bee,
Thanks for making our honey!
It tastes so sweet, it tastes so fine,
We could eat it all the time!
Chorus: Bzzz Bzzz, dip the apple in the honey (3x)
Such a cute little honey bee!
We hope your Rosh Hashanah is as sweet as honey! You can read about more DIY Rosh Hashanah projects like,
Apple and honey o’s cereal necklace (especially fun for toddlers).
You can also discover special family outings like,
A walk to a lake or pond to say goodbye to mistakes
And discover how butterflies can help children learn about Rosh Hashanah
Visit our Rosh Hashanah Round-up for even more fun, and let us know how you celebrate in the comments below!
Shana tova! Happy New Year!