DIY: S’more pops
A delicious treat to eat on a picnic or around a bonfire
The Jewish holiday, Lag B’Omer, is a joyous holiday celebrated outside by playing field games, enjoying a picnic, telling stories and singing songs around a glowing bonfire! When we think of bonfires, we think of our favorite dessert to eat outside - s’mores! We decided to make a s’more pop version to bring on our Lag B’Omer picnic!
Here’s what you’ll need to make your own s’more pops:
Lag B’Omer S’more Pops (makes about 18 pops)
Graham cracker crumbs (about 1/2 cup)
Dipping chocolate (about 1 cup - we used Bakers Dipping Chocolate)
Lollipop sticks or bamboo skewers
Here’s how to make them:
1. Get your baking goods all set up. I like to use a small shallow bowl for the graham crackers and chocolate. We took a handful of chocolate and melted it in the microwave on the high setting for 30 seconds and stirred until smooth. If you still have lumps of chocolate, microwave for another 30 seconds. Be sure to check the directions on your dipping chocolate for the best results.
2. Take a lollipop stick or bamboo skewer and poke it through the bottom of a marshmallow. Make sure it’s nice and secure on top of the skewer. I noticed that the top point of the bamboo skewer popped through the marshmallow, so I actually cut the tip off to prevent this from happening.
3. Dip the marshmallow into the melted chocolate. You can just dip it half-way, like in the photo, or dip the entire marshmallow. It’s up to you!
4. Dip the chocolate covered marshmallow into the shallow bowl of graham cracker crumbs. It’s best if the crumbs are nice and loose. You can also gently pat the stick directly down into the crumbs and then move the marshmallow around on an angle in a circular motion to coat on all sides. Oh, these crumbs were gluten-free too!
5. Place the completed s’more pop in a jar to dry, and begin the process again with your next marshmallow until you’ve used up all the chocolate and graham cracker crumbs.
It can take up to an hour for the melted chocolate on your s’more pops to harden. If you’re impatient, they’re also delicious to eat while the chocolate is still warm and melted.
If you’d like, you can say a blessing before eating your s’more pop. In Judaism, there are blessings you can say for almost every moment: when you see a shooting star on the evening of Lag B’Omer, for smelling the sweet fragrance of grass on a picnic or when you eat food - like a s’more pop on Lag B’Omer.
Ba-Ruch A-tah A-do-noi, Elo-hai-nu Me-lech Ha-o-lam, Bo-Rai Mi-nai Me-zo-not.
Are you going on a picnic to celebrate Lag B’Omer? If you can’t get outside for a picnic, spread out a blanket by a window and have an imaginary and cozy picnic inside your home! Let us know in the comments below! Some DIY “no-sew” ant plushie friends are joining us on our picnic, and we are making some ant crowns and a kid-friendly Lag B’Omer canvas bonfire too! We hope you have a happy Lag B’Omer!
B’tayavon (Enjoy)!
Click here to make an “ant crown” for your picnic!
Our kitty couldn’t resist tasting the s’more pop too!